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阅读量:3879747 2019-10-28

动口不动手ArgumentArgument 在表示「吵架」的单词里面应该是最通用的,一般只表示「吵架」,没有「打架」的意思。
Quarrel和 argument 相比,quarrel 会更激烈一点。Argument 可以表示「争议」或「分歧」,而 quarrel 几乎只能表示「争吵」了。Quarrel 表示的「吵架」通常发生在朋友之间或家庭成员之间。
A quarrel is an angry argument between two or more friends or family members.
DebateDebate 就是「辩论」了,可以说是「吵架」,但是是那种理性的并且在一定规则下的「吵架」。
DisputeDispute 作为名词表示任何形式的「争议」或「冲突」。「领土争议」或「主权争议」等都可以用 dispute 来表示。Dispute 通常表示在重要的事情上面有分歧,或者说在重要的事情上面吵架。
RowRow 是个多义词,没想到的是它还有「吵架」的意思,比如「have a row with s.b.」。如果说 row 和 argument 有什么区别的话,必应词典上面对 row 的定义是「a noisy argument between two or more people」,也就是说 row 通常指「比较吵闹的吵架」。不过根据 HiNative 论坛上 @Roarin78 的说法,用 row 来表示「吵架」在美国并不常见。
Altercation必应词典对 altercation 的定义也是「a noisy argument or disagreement」,所以它和 row 的意思应该是很接近的。运动场上球员之间发生的口角可以用 altercation 来表示。
既可以表示动口,也可以表示动手FightFight 就是一个典型的既可以表示「吵架」又可以表示「打架」的单词,而且当它用来表示「吵架」的时候,通常这种吵架是很激烈的。
ScrapScrap 也是个多义词,我在「形近词:scrap & scrape」里介绍过,它最常被用来表示「废品」。不过它也可以用来表示「吵架」或「打架」,这种情况下可以和 fight 互换使用。
A final meaning of the noun scrap is "fight," as in "I got into a scrap with my brother."
SkirmishSkirmish 通常用来表示小型的 fight。有媒体用 skirmish 来形容中美贸易战。
A skirmish is a small fight — more a dust-up than a full-out battle — and it can refer to a physical fight or just a battle of words. It is definitely confrontational, though.

DustupDustup 由 dust 和 up 组成,意思是「尘土飞扬」,就像街上的打架弄得尘土飞扬一样,它现在的意思是「打架」或「吵架」,比如你和你的邻居因为音乐太大而吵架。
A dustup can be a physical altercation: "After their dustup in the hallway, they were both suspended from school." But it's most commonly used for squabbles, like the dustup between you and your neighbors over your loud music. Dustup was coined during the late 19th century, from the idea that fighting in the streets would raise some dust — an earlier phrase was kick up a dust, or "cause an uproar."
前面介绍 skirmish 的时候说「skirmish is more a dust-up than a full-out battle」,说明 dustup 的程度比 skirmish 要轻一些。有媒体用 dustup 来形容最近的 NBA 事件,如果论规模和影响的话,NBA 事件确实没有贸易战影响大,dustup 确实没有 skirmish 规模大。 

TangleTangle 通常用来表示「混乱或纠缠」,不过在美国俚语里面也可以表示「吵架或打架」。
As a noun, tangle can refer to an argument or a fight between two people: if you're really feisty, people might be warned away from getting into a tangle with you.
HassleHassle 通常用来表示「困难或麻烦」,比如下面这个云计算产品的广告词。 

Hassle 也可以用来表示「吵架或打架」,不过貌似也只是在美国这么用。Wiktionary 上说 hassle 「吵架或打架」这个意思的词源未知,可能来自美国南部的方言。
The noun hassle can also refer to an argument or a scuffle. If you get into a hassle at school, you're likely to be called into the principal's office.
Feud比如中国游泳选手孙杨与澳大利亚人霍顿之间的关系就可以用 feud 来表示。上次孙杨夺冠霍顿拒绝合影事件,媒体的报道是这样的:
Australian Swimmer Mack Horton has reignited his feud with Chinese swimming star Sun Yang -- and most of China -- by refusing to share the podium with his longtime rival.
Controversy这个单词最近也非常常见,被用来表示 NBA's ongoing China controversy。
Controversy is a lot of discussion and argument about something, often involving strong feelings of anger or disapproval.
A controversy is a dispute or argument in which people express strong opposing views. Controversy means a quarrel (often public) involving strong disagreement, but the topic can be as unimportant as a new movie.
To wrangle is to take part in a long, angry, intense argument, especially over an issue with lots of details.
因琐事而吵架BickerBicker 就是那种因无关紧要的事情而引起的吵架。
When people bicker, they argue or quarrel about unimportant things.
上次马云和马斯克的对话,被有些媒体形容成「a strange, awkward, passive-aggressive bicker」。 

SquabbleSquabble 和 bicker 意思差不多,都是为小事而吵架。不过 squabble 有时不仅仅是吵架,可能会有身体上的冲突。
A squabble is a fight but not necessarily a serious one. When we squabble, we have a little argument, probably about something not too important.
(Bicker and squabble) Not much of a difference. Bicker usually means a talking argument and a squabble can be physical.
@ninjamasterdave HiNative.com
TiffTiff 和 bicker 还有 squabble 意思也差不多,唯一的不同是,tiff 一般只作为名词使用,而 bicker 和 squabble 都可以作为动词使用。
A tiff is a minor, relatively unimportant argument or fight. A tiff with your brother might start over the subject of whose turn it is to take out the trash.
QuibbleA quibble is a small argument or fight.
Quibble 除了表示「为小事而吵架」,也用来表示「为小事而抱怨或发牢骚」。
(informal) A trivial or minor complaint, objection or argument.
SpatSpat 通常被作为 spit 的过去式使用,表示「吐痰」。但是它也可以作为一个独立的名词来使用,常见的搭配有「lover's spat」。情侣之间为谁应该干家务而吵架,就是「lover's spat」。这种吵架通常很快就会和好,而且不会有长期的影响。根据 Wiktionary,只有美国人会把 spat 作为「吵架」来用,词源不明。
You probably recognize the word spat from the phrase "lover's spat," which describes a minor squabble between a couple. The spat is usually over something as silly as which partner has to do the laundry, and the relationship usually recovers quickly, with no long-term harm done.
A fight about words is called logomachy.


